The Top O Matic cigarette machine with handle is considered one of the best top rolling machines ever created. Featuring an almost flawless rating of 4.5 on Amazon and very good ratings on other websites, this topomatic cigarette machine is undoubtedly one of a kind. What is really amazing about this machine is the fact that it allows you to roll entire packs of cigarettes without breaking. Moreover, it is heavy enough not to slide, which means you don’t have to spend your energy trying to hold it in place.
Top Features
This cigarette machine has the following unique features:
– Heavy duty metal case for long lasting and extended usage.
– King size or 100mm cigarettes.
– Extremely easy to use.
– Perfect packed cigarettes.
– One year limited warranty.
Why Should you Choose the Top Cigarette Rolling Machine?
The top o matic cigarette machine is a very strong and durable product made to last many years. Due to its low price, it pays off for itself in less than three weeks, especially if you smoke more than one pack of cigarettes each day. If you are tired of throwing your money away on expensive cigarette packs from the store but you are still hesitant to roll your own cigarettes, then this device is just perfect for you. Ranging in price from $30 to $40, this cigarette rolling machine allows you to roll firm tightly packed cigarettes in no time at all. It is worth noticing that the result is greatly improved – cigarettes that taste better and have a richer smoke.
In addition to being extremely easy to use, this cigarette rolling machine from Top prevents over filling. In case it is overfilled, this device will simply push the extra tobacco to the sides in order to prevent jamming of the tube. If you still continue to pack too much tobacco or the tobacco you use is very dry, it might jam. However, if this happens you can easily un-jam it by cleaning the device thoroughly.
Another reason to use this device is that you will waste less tobacco. Dry crumbly tobacco that cannot be used in other tobacco machines can be perfectly used by this cigarette machine with handle. Obviously, you cannot use only dry tobacco, as you will need moist tobacco from time to time. However, the top o matic cigarette machine works better with dry tobacco then with material that is too damp.
The topomatic cigarette machine is very good at making cigarettes. In fact, most users have outlined its capacity to pack firm and tightly cigarettes. The number of loose packed cigarettes is greatly reduced due to its top-quality parts assembled in a professional factory. One of the most amazing features of this device is the adjusting cigarette size option. The top cigarette machine is fully adjustable for both 100mm and King sizes. In order to use King sized tubes, you just need to attach a simple metal plate in the lower right corner. By removing the plate, you will set the device for 100’s. Switching from one to another takes less than one minute.
The last reason and probably the most important one for purchasing the top o matic cigarette machine is that you can save a lot of money. By rolling your own cigarettes, you can actually produce cheap cigarettes for less than $2 a pack, depending on the quality and price of the tobacco you purchase. Because most premium cigarettes are sold for over $4 a pack, you can save up to $2 for each pack you made. In three weeks, you will be able to save around $40
How to Use
First of all, put the machine on a firm, flat surface and slide a sheet of paper underneath the device in order to make sure you won’t have to spend a great deal of time cleaning your countertop. Secondly, make sure to purchase enough tubes and tobacco from your local tobacco store, gas station or even on the Internet. When it comes to the tobacco, you can choose the flavor that you enjoy more: regular, mint, grapes or strawberry. Open up your bag of tobacco, grab some tobacco and put in on the paper. Take a little bit of tobacco and put it in the machine. Make sure to pack the corners first in order to ensure that the tobacco in your cigarettes is even.
Do not overfill the machine in order to avoid jamming the device. Next on, take the tube and put it on the far end, in the little chamber. Grab the handle with one hand and the lever with the other one. Pull it to the end and there’s your smoke. Remember, in order to get all the tobacco out of the chamber, pull the lever to the end and the blade will be pushed out of the device. Take care not to hurt yourself when doing this.
Pros and Cons
Even if this device has a very high rating of 4.5 out of 5 on Amazon, it still has some drawbacks. First of all, let’s take a look at its positive aspects. We have outlined most of these positive aspects in the “why should you choose it” section, so we will not reiterate the whole ideas, only list them.
– Save Tons of Money.
– Less Tobacco Waste.
– Top-Quality Cigarettes.
– Adjustable Size.
– Extremely Easy to Use.
– Save Plenty of Time.
– Quite Affordable.
However, there are two major drawbacks of the top o matic cigarette machine. First of all, it is quite dangerous. When cleaning and when using the lever, you need to be extra careful not to hurt yourself, because you are toying with some razor-sharp devices. Secondly, it takes some time to get used to this unique art of “packing your own smokes”.
Final Words
The top o matic cigarette machine with handle is certainly a great rolling machine from Top, probably one of the best made by this reputable company. In order to find the best deals online, we recommend purchasing it on Amazon.
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